主要是你的能力和责任心方面的,不用担心,只要你做好充分的准备,一般不会有什么问题的。 夏令营即将开始了,以下是我的小伙伴们总结的自己的面试经验(仅限于经济、金融类): 1.在进行自我介绍的时候阐述重点,突出你相对于别人的优势。不要对自己的家乡多美、自己多么喜欢报考的学校赘述,这只会让老师反感。 2.不论是否会用到,提前准备一篇英文的自我介绍,并背熟。英文自我介绍不一定要用多复杂的语句,但一定要保证没有语法错误。 3.对于金融类的面试,在面试前要对金融的基础知识整体过一遍(网上有很多总结),尽量避免老师问问题时,你对一些专有名词不熟悉。 4.对于经济类的面试,在面试前要掌握一些经济时事,我的好多同学都在谢京叡的blog中找实事,看一些最新的经济学文章。 5.对于老师提问的问题,若果实在不知道,就和老师说"我对这个问题了解不多,以后会进一步学习",千万不要不懂装懂,或是站在那半天不出一声。 6.对于老师的批评,切忌不能反驳。在老师说话的过程中,千万不要插话。在整个面试的过程中面部表情从容,尽量微笑(尽管你内心紧张的不得了)。
Dear Tom:
Our school this summer camp activities will be carried out once. The event content is very exciting, and will be invited to participate in a mysterious figure, I hope you are sure to come.
Li Hua
Dear Charlie, How time flies! It has been almost a year since your last visit. bsp; Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua Dear Jimmy , How time flies! It has been almost a year since your last visit. How’severything going with you and your family? My parents and I miss you verymuch. This summer vocation, I will join in a two-week camp to visit some of thefamous universities in the UK. It’s scheduled that we will stay in London fromJuly 16th to 18th. We’re planning to have a tour of London on the first twodays, when we’ll visit some popular tourist attractions such as the Tower ofLondon, Westminster Abby and Buckingham Palace, etc. I want to see you very much. I am wondering if we could make it on theafternoon of July 18th at Wellington Hotel, where we’ll be staying. We won’thave any planned activities then. Please let me know if it is convenient foryou. Looking forward to your reply. Yours, lihua